Prove field service success minus the numbers

Proving field service success can be difficult without the numbers the sales team produces. Ultimately, money talks, but so do the successes that service technicians bring to the table everyday. They're on the front lines of customer service.

But service technician ROI is harder to prove. Sure, he or she gets the job done at the end of the day, but how do we measure or prove field service success for technicians? The following are some tips for techs.

Incorporating sales skills

According to the training ROI report for our BuildATech class, your service technician can drive leads on 20 percent of calls and close at a 50 percent rate (to learn more about these stats, go here). Think of that sales potential! Sales isn't just for your salespeople - you may have a hidden sales team in your service technicians.

Customer satisfaction

A friendly face in the customer's home may not always merit amazing feedback from the customer, but it will prove field service success when you get little to no complaints. There's an opportunity here with an industry plagued by turnover; dare to be different and show customers you really care about the problem and do your best to fix it.

Training ROI

Perhaps the best way to prove field service success for technicians is through training. Certain webinar programs allow managers overseeing their technicians' training to view progress reports. Most programs will also guarantee a set of skills upon graduation.


The quicker a service technician can troubleshoot, the more efficient he or she will be. After a good training program, a year on the job, and continuing education, an efficient technician is born.

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