iGAS R-422B Refrigerant, 25 lb Cylinder
Cat # : 24X01
Model/Part # : R422B25IG
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Product Overview
R-422B is a non-ozone-depleting refrigerant compatible with all standard oils, equipment components, and materials used in R-22 systems. R-22 systems that convert to R-422B see a minimal capacity loss of less than 10%.
- No oil change on R-22 retrofit refrigerants
- For residential AC systems and applications
- The hydrocarbon component in R422B helps promote oil return in systems containing mineral oil or alkylbenzene.
- Thousands of successful global retrofits for the past decade
Physical Properties R-422B
- Environmental Classification: HFC
- Molecular Weight: 108.5
- Boiling Point (1atm, ˚F): -42.4
- Critical Pressure (psia): 574.1
- Critical Temperature (˚F): 181.8
- Critical Density (lb./ftˆ3): 32.9
- Liquid Density (70˚F, lb./ftˆ3): 73.05
- Vapor Density (bp.lb./ftˆ3): 0.363
- Heat of Vaporization (bp, BTU/lb.): 84.2
- Specific Heat Liquid (70 ˚F, BTU/lb.˚F): 0.3385
- Specific Heat Vapor (1atm, 70 ˚F, BTU/lb.˚F): 0.201
- Ozone Depletion Potential (CFC 11 = 1.0): 0
- Global Warming Potential (CO2 = 1.0): 2525
- ASHRAE Standard 34 Safety Rating: A1